
You are level 4

Lionfish Level

Amazing! You can swim with Lola Lionfish!

The children are introduced to relays, swimming varying distances whilst changing strokes during the swim and also carrying out the correct turns. The classes encompass swimming, treading water, basic dive practices and survival skills wearing clothing.

Stamina, strength and speed is further developed along with competitive rules of swimming and correct starts, turns and finishes for all strokes.

With practice, progression will lead to competence in the perfomance of the skills. To confirm competence the student should be able to perform the skill with consistent reliabilty, based on:- Introduction, Development, Competence and Consistence.

Lionfish - Level 36

  1. Perform a safe entry and recovery an object from the pool bottom.
  2. Tread water; move to each corner of an imaginary 2metre square.
  3. Depth permitting; use a straddle jump to enter the water.
  4. Swim 5 metres old English backstroke.
  5. Swim 5 cycles of front crawl and tumble turn before reaching the wall.
  6. Swim 3 recognised strokes 25 metres with a correct finish for each.
  7. Push off from the poolside below the water and perform 1 breaststroke arm pull.
  8. Swim 2x100 metres alternating front and back crawl

Lionfish - Level 37

  1. Swim 5 metres to a casualty and tow them to safety.
  2. Wearing T-shirt and shorts tread water for 1 minute.
  3. Swim 3 metres surface dive and swim 1 metre under water.
  4. Demonstrate 2 back crawl turns.
  5. Perform 3 skills associated with shallow water diving practices.
  6. Swim an appropriate stroke for 10 metres using trickle breathing.
  7. Swim an appropriate stroke for 10 metres using explosive breathing.
  8. Swim 250 metres using a combination of 3 recognised strokes.

Lionfish - Level 38

  1. Answer 2 open water safety questions.
  2. Wearing t-shirt and shorts, with the support of a buoyant object made by the student tread water for 2 minutes.
  3. Forward somersault, placing both feet on the wall and pushing off on back.
  4. Perform a sitting dive, controlling the body depth and position in the water.
  5. Swim 50 metres breast stroke with a 2 handed turn.
  6. Tread water for 1 minute, surface dive to depth no greater than 1.5 metres.
  7. Swim 25 metres old English backstroke
  8. Swim 300 metres using a combination of 3 recognised strokes.

Lionfish - Levl 39

  1. Give 5 examples of Swimming Pool and open water rules.
  2. Using dolphin leg kick swim 5 metres on the back and front.
  3. Straddle entry wearing shorts and T-shirt and tread water for 1 minute.
  4. Perform a kneeling dive, controlling the body depth and position in the water.
  5. Swim 2 metres to the side, tumble turn, push and glide off the wall on the front.
  6. Swim 75 metres breast stroke with correct turns.
  7. Tread water for 1 minute, surface dive to retrieve an object from the pool bottom.
  8. Swim 325 metres using a combination of 3 recognised strokes.

Lionfish - Level 40

  1. Give 3 reasons why you would not enter the water to rescue a casualty.
  2. Perform a straddle entry wearing shorts and T-shirt; while treading water remove the 2 pieces of clothing and swim to the poolside.
  3. Swim 5 metres to the side front crawl, tumble turn and swim a further 5 metres.
  4. Perform a squat dive, controlling the body depth and position in the water.
  5. Swim 3 metres using a butterfly arm and leg action.
  6. Swim 100 metres breaststroke with a correct poolside entry turns and finish.
  7. Swim 15 metres, surface dive, swim 3 metres underwater.
  8. Swim 350 metres of 3 recognised strokes.